H6965 G1 [转到字典二转到字典三]


06965quwm {koom} 字根型;TWOT-1999;动词 AV-(stood,rise,etc...)up 240,arise 211,raise 47,establish 27, stand 27,perform 25,confirm 9,again 5,set 5,stablish 3, surely 3,continue 3,sure 2,abide 1,accomplish 1,misc 19;628


06965quwm {koom} a primitive root;TWOT-1999;v AV-(stood,rise,etc...)up 240,arise 211,raise 47,establish 27, stand 27,perform 25,confirm 9,again 5,set 5,stablish 3, surely 3,continue 3,sure 2,abide 1,accomplish 1,misc 19;628

1)to rise,arise,stand,rise up,stand up
--1a1)to arise
--1a2)to arise (hostile sense)
--1a3)to arise,become powerful
--1a4)to arise,come on the scene
--1a5)to stand
--1a5a)to maintain oneself
--1a5b)to be established,be confirmed
--1a5c)to stand,endure
--1a5d)to be fixed
--1a5e)to be valid
--1a5f)to be proven
--1a5g)to be fulfilled
--1a5h)to persist
--1a5i)to be set,be fixed
--1b1)to fulfil
--1b2)to confirm,ratify,establish,impose
-1c)(Polel)to raise up
-1d)(Hithpael)to raise oneself,rise up
--1e1)to cause to arise,raise
--1e2)to raise,set up,erect,build
--1e3)to raise up,bring on the scene
--1e4)to raise up,rouse,stir up,investigate
--1e5)to raise up,constitute
--1e6)to cause to stand,set,station,establish
--1e7)to make binding
--1e8)to carry out,give effect to
-1f)(Hophal)to be raised up